Customizing the UI

To change the look and feel of the Social Connect button to better match your dApp's UI, you can use the following customization attributes:

Customizable attributes

  • height: Specify the height of the button

  • width: Specify the width of the button

  • initialBackgroundColor: Specify the intial background color of the button

  • initialTextColor: Specify the intial text color of the button

  • flipBackgroundColor: Specify the flipped background color of the button

  • flipTextColor: Specify the flipped text color of the button

In practice, it would look something like this:

    customization={{ height: '200px', width: '500px', initialBackgroundColor: '#E8A123', initialTextColor: '#FFFFFF', flipBackgroundColor: '#12AE83', flipTextColor: '#FFFFFF'}}

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