Using web3 functions through Social Connect

Since the Metamask gets connected to the social connect, all web3 calls also need to be done through the social connect. To enable multi-page applications, we setup separate events to capture the responses.

To call any blockchain function you need to do 3 steps:

  1. Call the function

  2. Setup the event that captures the response

  3. Wire up that event in <PluralitySocialConnect>

Want to jump directly to code? Checkout final code on Git

Get all connected accounts

Returns all accounts that have been connected through the social connect

  1. Function Call


Returns: [0x123…, 0x456…]
  1. Response Capture Event

The response will be received in the following event that needs to be registered in your application

const handleGetAllAccounts = (data) => {
    const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
    console.log("Get all accounts:", receivedData);
  1. Wire Up The Event


Get Current Connected Account

Get current account connected to the social connect

  1. Function Call


Returns: 0x123…
  1. Response Capture Event

The response will be received in the following event that needs to be registered in your application

const handleGetConnectedAccount = (data) => {
    const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
    console.log("Get connected account:", receivedData);
  1. Wire Up The Event


Get Signature

Gets the message signed using the connected account and returns the signature

  1. Function Call

PluralitySocialConnect.getMessageSignature(message: string) 

PluralitySocialConnect.getMessageSignature("Example `personal_sign` message.")
  1. Response Capture Event

The response will be received in the following event that needs to be registered in your application

const handleMessageSignature = (data) => {
    const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
    console.log("Get message signature:", receivedData);

Wire Up The Event


Verify Message Signature

Verify if the signature matches the message using the current connected account and returns boolean true or false

  1. Function Call

PluralitySocialConnect.verifyMessageSignature(message: string, signature: string) 

Example: PluralitySocialConnect.verifyMessageSignature("Example `personal_sign` message.", "0xa1379711716d214c84c146bbaa9d03d77895526b8620bcae67a76f824be6fd3a43795645a31f758eaed39ee6aa5490a979233711d4e9d6a2e30fa09a5e9c808a1b")
  1. Response Capture Event

The response will be received in the following event that needs to be registered in your application

const handleVerifyMessageSignature = (data) => {
    const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
    console.log("Verify message signature:", receivedData);
  1. Wire Up The Event


Get Balance

Returns balance of the current account in wei. You need to convert it to required denomination yourself

  1. Function Call

  1. Response Capture Event

The response will be received in the following event that needs to be registered in your application

const handleGetBalance = (data) => {
    const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
    console.log("Get balance:", receivedData);
  1. Wire Up The Event


Send Transaction

Send a certain amount (in ethers) to a certain address. Returns the transaction object

  1. Function Call

PluralitySocialConnect.sendTransaction(sendToAddress: string, value: string) 

Example:  PluralitySocialConnect.sendTransaction("0xe613B4cd69Fe20E8bd0F0D79a264210886bA1AA2","0.01")
  1. Response Capture Event

The response will be received in the following event that needs to be registered in your application

const handleSendTransaction = (data) => {
    const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
    console.log("Send transaction:", receivedData);
  1. Wire Up The Event


Get Block Number

Returns the latest block number

  1. Function Call

  1. Response Capture Event

The response will be received in the following event that needs to be registered in your application

const handleGetBlockNumber = (data) => {
    const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
    console.log("Get block number:", receivedData);
  1. Wire Up The Event


Get Transaction Count

Returns the transaction count of the given address

  1. Function Call

PluralitySocialConnect.getTransactionCount(address: string) 

Example: PluralitySocialConnect.getTransactionCount("0xe613B4cd69Fe20E8bd0F0D79a264210886bA1AA2")
  1. Response Capture Event

The response will be received in the following event that needs to be registered in your application

const handleGetTransactionCount = (data) => {
    const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
    console.log("Get transaction count:", receivedData);
  1. Wire Up The Event


Read From Contract

Returns the response of executing the given get method of the contract with the given parameters

  1. Function Call

PluralitySocialConnect.readFromContract(contractAddress: string, abi: string, methodName: string, methodParams: string[]) 

   const abi = '[{"inputs":[],"name":"retrieve","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"num","type":"uint256"}],"name":"store","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"}]';
PluralitySocialConnect.readFromContract("0x8E26aa0b6c7A396C92237C6a87cCD6271F67f937",abi,"retrieve", [])
  1. Response Capture Event

The response will be received in the following event that needs to be registered in your application

const handleReadFromContract = (data) => {
    const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
    console.log("Read from contract:", receivedData);
  1. Wire Up The Event


Write To Contract

Returns the transaction response of executing the given write method of the contract with the given parameters

  1. Function Call

PluralitySocialConnect.writeToContract(contractAddress: string, abi: string, methodName: string, methodParam: string[]) 

   const abi = '[{"inputs":[],"name":"retrieve","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"num","type":"uint256"}],"name":"store","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"}]';
  1. Response Capture Event

The response will be received in the following event that needs to be registered in your application

const handleWriteToContract = (data) => {
    const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
    console.log("Write to contract:", receivedData);
  1. Wire Up The Event


Last updated